Regulatory Notice

Azini Capital Partners LLP ("Azini Capital") is a limited liability partnership registered in England and Wales; registration number OC308575.

Any communications with Azini Capital should be directed to 32 Maple Street, London W1T 6HB.

Azini Capital is authorised and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority ("FCA"). Azini Capital is the operator and investment manager of a number of unregulated collective investment schemes. Investment in unregulated collective investment schemes is available only to certain types of investor and is not available to the general public. Azini Capital’s FCA registration number is 402708.

Azini Capital is registered as an Exempt Reporting Adviser with the US Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC No. : 802-73118).

Azini is the registered trademark of Azini Capital Partners LLP.

The information presented in this web site is intended only for Market Counterparties and/or Professional Clients (as defined by the FCA). The information is not intended for the use of Private Customers / members of the general public.

Azini Capital Partners LLP (the "Firm") is committed to ensuring that it, its partners, employees and anyone contracted to it comply with the requirements of the UK Bribery Act 2010. The Firm is committed to conducting its business fairly, honestly and openly, and has a zero- tolerance approach towards bribery and corruption.